Ticket and Payment Options:

Ticket Options:

Member Ticket - $300.00

Non Member Ticket - $350.00


Payment Options:

To purchase tickets online, please visit our TicketLeap site at: https://apalanjgala.ticketleap.com/tickets/dates/Sep-22-2022_at_0630PM

To purchase tickets via check, please provide the following information:

                 • Name and Email
                 • Organization
                 • Number of Ticket(s)
                 • If purchasing more than one ticket, name(s) and organization(s) of all attendees

and mail the information and a check payable to “APALA-NJ” to:

                 Moly K. Hung, Esq.
                 APALA-NJ Gala Sponsorship Committee Chair
                 1818 Old Cuthbert Road, Ste 210
                 Cherry Hill, N.J. 08034